Roman catholic church of

Our Lady of Belynichi

"Марыя з’яўляецца прыстанішчам, у якім збіраюцца ўсе без выключэння: ўсе хворыя, бедныя, пакінутыя. Бог для іх адчыніў гэты Прытулак."
Св. Васілій Вялікі

Appearance of new parish church – the outline

I would like to present an outline of the new parish church of Our Lady of Belynichi.

The Church is designed as a single-story building with two towers. It will have one nave with an apse and the sacristy will be right behind the altar. There will be a dome above the transept. The building is designed in the shape of a cross. Siberian Cedrus will be used as a building material.

An icon of Our Lady of Belynichi will be placed in the main altar. We consider building two additional lateral altars. One for Saint Joseph the beloved one of Virgin Mary and the other one for Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque who spread the cult of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Friday Devotions during her life. These are just plans, which we continue to apply, however minor changes can occur according to advices by our superiors.

Ks. Joseph Serpejko


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