Roman catholic church of

Our Lady of Belynichi

"Благаслаўлённая Ты між жанчынамі і благаслаўлённы плод улоння Твайго, Езус."
св. Альжбета

First Thursday of the Month

Each first Thursday of the Month is a reminiscent of what we celebrate on Holy Thursday. The first Thursday of the Month is a day of a Eucharist and therefore is a time of thanksgiving mainly. On this day we thank for the greatest miracle, for the Church and for everything that contributes to our Salvation.

In practice, the best way to celebrate this day is to take Communion in a spirit of thanksgiving for received gifts. Prolonging this moment it is worth dedicating some time to adore the Blessed Sacrament or offering your Communion for those, who do not have the opportunity to attend a Holy Mass because of various reasons – and there is a lot of such people in the World.

On this day in many churches all-day or all-night Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place. Our presence among Eucharistic Jesus shall be an act of faith in his presence under the appearance of bread and wine.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is inherent to the Sacrament of Eucharist. Thanks to this, the Holy Mass has been entrusted to the people and can be celebrated in every place and time. The Christ can fully give himself and be around people in his Sacramental signs only through his priests.

The first Thursday of the Month is then the day of thanksgiving for the gift of Holy Orders and therefore is the day of prayers for priests to endure in the goodness and perform celebrations with proper dignity.

It is also a time of prayers for new Vocations to serve in the Church, and besides those who are set up for the priesthood, everybody who helps the Church and priests is considered, including: Deacons, Consecrated People, ministers of Holy Communion and Altar Servers.

On this day it is good to thank God for all of the people who help us in our way to the Salvation and ask for  „new workers, because the harvest is plentiful”.

Ks. Joseph Serpejko


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